After last night's party, I slept in this morning... and skipped Zumba. Whoops!
Breakfast was not rice puffs, but millet puffs! With soy milk.
They were okay, but I much prefer rice puffs. The millet puffs were just too small for my liking...
Morning snack of plain yogurt with a banana and honey... and blueberry green tea:
I had a breakfasty kind of lunch. Egg whites with spinach and onion.... and goat cheese again. Soooo good.
I spent my afternoon cleaning. I did a lot of organizing/tidying, vacuuming, and dusting. I'm not an extremely tidy person by nature, but it felt really good to get some of that stuff out of the way.
Afternoon snack! Mary's Crackers and hummus (didn't have the energy to cut up carrot sticks amidst all my cleaning...)
I kept dinner simple too. All microwaved leftovers: chicken tikka, veggies from the Big Carrot deli picked up after my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday, and brown rice.
Delicious! Now I'm watching The Oscars and doing some schoolwork. I foresee a nighttime snack of homemade yeast-free spelt bread with almond butter and honey later...
Good night all!
Katie - Have been following your detox all along and just wanted to let you know you are doing AWESOME!!!
You're officially in the home stretch!!!
Thanks so much, Tiffany!!!
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