Monday, July 16, 2012

Eat to Live Days 21-22

Three weeks (and one day) down! Can you believe that I'm more than HALFWAY through this thing?! I can't! But I'm happy about it, that's for sure.

I had a couple of cooking failures, and I'm feeling sleepy, so I'll skip the food pictures for today and cut to the chase: my weigh-in results!

Starting Weight: 262.7 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 255.9 pounds
Week 2 Weight: 251.0 pounds
Current Weight: 246.8 pounds

Eek! I lost 4.2 pounds, bringing my grand total to 15.9 pounds in 3 weeks! Um, that's pretty insane.

Lately, I haven't been as strict about certain things. I want to make sure I'm eating enough, and I don't always have time to make huge salads with multiple cups of beans... so some days (like today) I'll have two or three servings of starches/grains, instead of the one serving I'm supposed to have. I've probably also had more sodium than I'm supposed to - sometimes I use low-sodium vegetable broth, for example. The sodium content isn't high, but there is some in there all the same.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what to do at the end of the 6 weeks. I really just want to get to a place where I can lose weight (and eventually maintain) without going crazy... without having to measure or count everything, and without having a minor panic attack every time I have to eat outside of my house.

At any rate, I've got 3 more weeks to figure it out... night all!


Anonymous said...

I’m so glad to hear this continues to go well!

I have no experience with dieting or anything, so take my recommendation with a grain of non-sodium salt substitute. Once you have completed this project and reached your goal, I suggest you focus just on “eating healthy” without precisely monitoring the number of servings of food you have.

If it helps, set up two or three simple “rules” based on this diet and then use them as part of your meal decision-making process. Design the rules so that they help you make healthy choices, but don’t make them so strict that you feel too bad when you break them on those occasions you want to indulge yourself. The idea is to train your brain into automatically selecting meal options based on your past experience.

Erin said...

You're doing SO well, Katie. Congratulations on the huge losses!

Katie said...

Ben - Thanks for the suggestion! I will give it all some thought.

Erin - Thank you SO much! It means a lot. :)