Friday, February 8, 2013

Snow Day!

Is there anything better than a snow day? I think not!

I slept in late, spent most of the day in my pyjamas (and the rest in sweatpants), and did a lot of knitting while watching The Walking Dead.

I finished this hat, which I desperately need!

I'm still plugging along foodwise, for the most part. There was an incident last night with some buttery microwave popcorn, BUT I didn't feel very good afterwards and I ate well today. Plus, I ate a lot of kale yesterday:

That has to cancel out the damage, right?!

I hope you all enjoyed your snow day (if you got one!). I'm going to knit a bit more and go to bed (if the pounding, vibrating music coming from my downstairs neighbours' ever quiets down...).

Tomorrow I'm off to Toronto, and probably eating out for the rest of the weekend. Let's hope I don't go TOO crazy! I'm also doing something fun on Sunday that I'll be sure to tell you all about afterwards...



Andy said...

The hat looks awesome! I'm terrible at hats -- they always end up way too big for me, or if I try to resize them they get totally wonky. Reading this kind puts me in the mood to knit though -- I haven't touched any of my knitting in AGES. I don't even know if I still remember how to do it! Haha.

Jess said...

That hat is so cute!!!

Katie said...

Thank you, ladies!!!