Monday, June 21, 2010

Weigh-In & Back on Track!

Guess what, guys!

This girl has been TRACKING! :D

It all started on Saturday.

I haven't been mentioning my weigh-ins lately... I'm sure you can guess why! But let's come clean. On Saturday, I weighed in at 191.6 lbs, exactly 10 lbs higher than my lowest weight. On May 1, when I got my 10%, I was 181.6. I know I can drop these new 10 pounds really quickly, because I put them on quickly while eating total garbage.

Saturday's meeting topic was falling in love with your tracker! How fitting! I picked up a paper tracker to use this week (I have a 3-month tracker right now, but it has so many empty pages, it depresses me). I told Ashley, my leader, that I would give it to her next week as a little extra incentive.

Off to a good start:

I also rekindled my love affair with my Weight Watchers food scale (I swear, one of these days I'll devote a post to how wonderful it is). And have I mentioned how much I love Silver Hills Little Big Bread? These two slices (they must have been small end-slices) worked out to be 1 point total!

I've been keeping my meals pretty simple. Some PC Blue Menu Encrusted Wild Keta Salmon and a salad with tons o' avocado:

Homemade hummus, Mary's crackers, and tomato soup:

On Sunday, I even managed to sneak in a green smoothie! I'm sure my body was thanking me.

As for exercise? On Sunday morning, I dragged myself out of bed before 8 am for my first run in many weeks. I managed to go for about 25 minutes. I'm quite happy with that. I'm also planning to hit up BodyStep tomorrow morning.

It's good to be back! 100 pounds lost, here I come!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Checking In!

Hey lovelies!

I'm still alive, I swear. As you may have guessed, my lack of posting means a lack of healthy living lately. But I haven't given up yet. :)

I've had some changes in my life lately and I'm still trying to find a new routine. I'm happier than I've been in awhile, even though my "weight watching" is suffering right now.

I'm rockin' some clothes from the clothing swap! I still haven't found room for them all in my closet though... not that I'm complaining!

Here's someone's (maybe Kate's?) sweater, which I wore to a wedding (the dress used to belong to my SISTER. I never imagined I would ever fit into my sister's clothes in a million years.):

And I LOVE this shirt, also Kate's! Forgive the weird pose. It's hard to get good shots of yourself when you live alone.

I'm planning another week of hard-core meal planning, a la the week I had back in March. Stay tuned! I WILL get back on the healthy living train, I promise!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Friends & Old Problems.

Hey folks!

On Friday night, I had the honour of attending a clothing swap with some of my fellow GTA bloggers! I definitely cleaned up. I ended up bringing home two full bags of clothes. Apparently I was just the right size to benefit from everyone's cast-offs! Maybe it's a good thing I've been so spotty with tracking lately, hehe...

I'll try to get some pics of the new clothes soon. Some highlights include:
  • a lululemon hoodie
  • a pair of size 12 jeans (I think they were Andrea's?) that I grabbed for future use. Um, turns out, they fit right now!
  • many summer skirts!
Thanks for inviting me, guys! I had a great time!

As for the old problems - I have NOT been motivated lately. On the bright side, I haven't been necessarily driven to eat tons of crap. I'm just not motivated to eat particularly well, either. I don't feel like cooking, I don't feel like chopping vegetables, and I don't feel like going grocery shopping. I have to snap out of it! Maybe I need to take small steps, like forcing myself to make a green smoothie every morning, and then build from there. Any suggestions?

I also must confess that I have not been working out lately. That changes TODAY. I'm off to take a long walk (I know it's not the most intense workout possible, but it's what I'm in the mood for).

Have a great night! :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Operation: Buff Week 8

Eek! I am a week late in reporting back on the final week of...

In April, I challenged myself to really push myself for my 8-week Booty Camp session. I wanted to complete at least one cardio workout and one Booty Camp-style workout each week in addition to my two Booty Camp classes. How did I do in Week 8? Here are my workouts:
  • 2 Booty Camp classes (Tuesday & Thursday)
  • BodyCombat class (Wednesday)
  • Booty Camp DVD - Advanced workout (Sunday)
Phew, just barely squeezed those workouts in!

Do you know what this means?!?!?!

I get that massage I promised myself! I've never had a massage before. And I have not yet booked it. But it's going on my to-do list!

I took before and after pictures too, but to be honest, there was not much difference. I also didn't lose weight, overall, during Booty Camp (*cough* I haven't been tracking). BUT I did lose 3.25 inches off my waist (yay!), 1 inch off my chest (boo!), 1 inch off my butt, and 3 inches off my hips. Not too shabby!

So yes, I have not been tracking. The scale has been up and down, but up overall. I AM tracking today, though (and will continue to). Please feel free to yell at me and keep me accountable. :)